
Meet Pepay and Popoy our new tweeters. Our place is turning into a jungle with the addition of these two tweeters. Aside from these we also have a hedgehog and three fishes in separate tanks and lots of exotic cactus and air plants not including varieties of flowering plants.

Long Weekend Camp

Last day the camp before heading home. The day had been windy and intermittent showers of rain almost spoiled our camping with friends. It is good to spend sometimes with friends, catching up on each other’s busy lives. Shared stories and laughter and fun can make you feel grateful of what you have in life.

Eternal Life

Eternal life as most would mean is the here after life. But going through the pages of the Book we find a challenging different view of things we used to hold as truth. The verse above is one of those that has challenged me to see things differently as i flip through the pages of the Book. Christ is the Eternal Life and not just the hereafter event or existence. Eternity is within each believer and are free to live this new reality even now. A foretaste of the future lived now.


Change is coming and the colours are showing it along with the cool breeze. Soon enough snow will cover this ground and the lake will freeze with it. Change is something that is inevitable everything goes through it even man. But there is one change that is so dear to the One who created all things and that is that the earth will be covered by the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea and His people will fill all things of Himself.( Isa.11:9; Eph.1:22-23)

Aurora Night

An evening of light spectacle in Yellowknife NWT. The place is blessed with this magical light display almost each night when the temperature is right and the sky is clear and mostly also during the winter season. Tourist flock here each year to experience this nature’s wonder. The light captivates its viewer when it dances across the black sky with flares is of purple and blue along the greens. But there is one Light that is far more wonderful and glorious than this light phenomena and that is the true Light of the world Jesus.(Jn.8:12)